Monday, October 14, 2013


Napoleon was a considered a tyrant by some but others thought he was a hero. Madam de Stael did not think of Napoleon as a hero but rather that "he liked to persuade men by force and by cunning." While some people were not fond of Napoleon other thought of him as a hero like Marshal Michel Ney, who calls him "our august emperor." Napoleon impacted the political, economic, and social systems of Europe.

Napoleon an emperor, a political and military leader.

Napoleon affected the political system of Europe, he created the idea of "meritocracy" which was a political philosophy that secured a persons rewards based on their attributes instead of their social rank. Napoleon also created the "Napoleonic code" which allowed freedom of religion, and stated that jobs in the government should belong to those among the most qualified. In the economic system Napoleon made decision to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States which doubled the United States in size and caused the US to expand.  Napoleon affected the social system by emancipating the jewish people in his empire. Also while he ruled people got better access to education. Overall Napoleon had a major impact on Europe.

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