Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Amelia Bloomer: The Lily

Bloomer, Amelia Jenks. The Lily. Seneca Falls: Amelia Bloomer, 1849-1853.

Amelia Bloomer was a woman's rights and a temperance advocate who wrote a newspaper called The Lily that was focused mostly on temperance and then later on in publication she also wrote about women's rights.  Amelia Bloomer in The Lily wrote about how people should drink in moderation instead of banning alcohol. She also wrote about how women are victims of drunk men's behavior and that women should speak up about the men's behavior. Amelia Bloomer is a reliable source because she used true stories from women on the effects of alcohol. She also wrote her own newspaper so she could write what she wanted, and not skewed news.  Bloomer focused mostly on temperance because drinking at the time was a serious problem. Men were getting drunk very often and causing problems. This newspaper teaches the reader how excessive drinking effects families and how woman need to stick up for what is right. Bloomer's newspaper gives you a decent picture of the event, it describes the a major problem of the time. Amelia talks about how alcohol affects families in a negative way. She backs up her claims with stories from women that have been abused because of alcohol. The author is trying to convince the reader that alcohol should be used in moderation.

This picture is an ad that tries to prevent heavy drinking.

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