Friday, June 13, 2014

The Real Story Behind America's Big Shot Businesses #3

Recently in class we worked together in groups to create a video presentation, a videolicious which is a narrated slideshow, and a survey monkey.  Doing this portion of the project in groups helped me expand my knowledge on the topic Labor vs. Big Business: Rise of Corporate America and its connection the the theme "People, Places, and Power".  As a whole my group collaborated on a list of key words which we thought fit and described the topic the best. To come up with the best list we all had arguable points on why we believed a key term should be included. This conversation between the group led to a overall greater understanding because we organized the words into each part of the theme.  By doing this we could more thoroughly understand how the topic relates to the theme. Once we had a list of key terms we analyzed the enduring understandings. Each member in the group said their three enduring understandings and described how they came up with it so each member of the group could understand more clearly how the understanding fits. Once each member of the group went through their enduring understandings we came up with a final list of three that each was specific to people, places, or power.  This helped me understand the topic in relation to the theme even more than analyzing the key words did because of the specific examples each enduring understanding had. 

Creating the video essay was relatively easy for my group throughout the few days we working on this portion of the project. My group easily agreed on ten pictures we were going to include in the video essay. Once my group had the pictures chosen we started to write the script. While writing the script we organized it in a logical order so it made sense. Then we kept the captions for each photo somewhat short so the information could be easily absorbed by the audience. I thought the process of making the video essay went well, but the part that I didn't think went to well was the app itself. The videolicious app was difficult to use at times.  For example if you made a mistake while recording the caption you had to redo the entire recording. Overall the video essay went well with the exception of the mechanics of the app. 

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