Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Real Story Behind America's Big Shot Businesses #4

The past few weeks we have studied and analyzed how the topic Labor vs. Business: Rise of Corporate America fits into the theme "People, Places, and Power". Over the past few days each group created a presentation, and video essay give the rest of the class an understanding of how the topic relates to the theme. After the presentation a survey monkey was given as an interactive activity to test and make sure the class understood the topic in relation to the theme.

Native Americans and the West:
American settlers kicked Native Americans out of their homeland and forced them to go to reservations which were hundreds of miles away. The reservations often had brackish water along with poor farming conditions. The settlers tried to force the Natives into taking part of their culture.

Immigration: Asia
It was very difficult for Asians to be allowed into America. They had a stay in packed barracks on Angel Island while they awaited citizenship and allowance into the country. Acts were passed which limited the power Asians could have in America along with restricting them from taking away jobs from Americans. Once in the country they were often declined from going to white schools. Asians sometimes would get around the laws passed by saying they have family already in the country.

Immigration: Europe
Many Europeans moved to America in hope to live the American dream and escape famine, violence, discrimination, and religious intolerance going on in Europe. To proceed into America they faced physicals and interrogation which kept many Europeans from entering. Once in America the Europeans faced poor working conditions, poor living conditions, very low social standings, and culture shock.

Imperialism: Europe and Africa
The larger powers in Europe took control and asserting power over smaller countries in Africa and forced the Africans into labor against their will. The Europeans found that Africa had an abundance of desired resources like rubber, ivory, and palm oil which were located and transported back to Europe. The only thing that was cared about was the economic gains there were from the resources rather than the well being of Africans.

Imperialism: America
In the 1800's America sought to control weaker countries in Central and South America to control the countries economics, politics, and culture. The American economy was in a good state after winning the Spanish American war. America felt above other countries and showed that by trying to control them and take over more things.

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