Friday, November 8, 2013

Monroe Doctrine

The United States had different responses to the Quintuple Alliance. Like when Russia tried to take control of Alaska and the northern part of the United States and Alaska to gain the trading ports on the coast; Monroe stepped in and put a stop it. Monroe said to the Russians that it was not their land to claim since the U.S. had also claimed the land. Monroe says "a full power and instructions have been transmitted to the Minister of the United States at St. Petersburgh to arrange, by amicable negotiation, the respective rights and interests of the two nations on the northwest coast of this continent." The United States and the Russians came up with a compromise which concluded that the Russians would still gain more land but the United States could still have the land on the coast to open up trading ports. Another example of the United States reacting to the Quintuple Alliance is when the Monroe made his statement on European powers re-colonizing any country that recently gained their independence. Monroe said "We owe it, therefore, to candor, and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers, to declare, that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety." He is telling the European powers as said in this quote that if any of them that try to interfere with another country then they are also interfering with the United States. Lastly when the United States are asked to join an alliance with Britain to stop Spain from regaining colonies and to stop Russia from gaining the Oregon area. The United States declined this offer. Monroe says " nevertheless remains the same, which is, not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers" The United States decides to tell Britain they would like to consider working with them but they don't want to ruin their relations with other powers of Europe. 

The world had different reactions on how the United States responded. A Latin American revolutionaries were happy that America was defending them from Spain trying to regain colonies. They would still be resentful to European powers since America was the only one making a stand to protect them and other European powers weren't doing anything like America did.  The Latin American revolutionaries would not like that America chose to still be friendly with countries in Europe. Even though they weren't happy America still being friendly with Europe they were happy with the desicion with Russia on the Oregon area. If Russia colonized the area then the Latin America colonies wouldn't be able to trade there since Russia would close off ports. A Russian diplomat would have mixed feelings on the United States response. They would like Americas approach on the Oregon area since they would be expecting to negotiate on it. They wouldn't be pleased with Monroe's stand about not letting Spain place a monarchy over colonies in Latin America. They would also be worried about the U.S. joining with Britain because combined the two countries would have a very strong navy.  Lastly a member of congress would mostly agree with Monroe's decision. They support his decision with Russia on the Oregon area. They agree with his decision on being both friendly with both Latin America and European countries. A member of congress would be a little worried on Europe taking back back Spanish colonies because America would have to stand true to their stand that they would take action if a European country interfered with Latin American countries. 

This picture below displays that the United States took a confident stand and was hopefully other countries would do the same.

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