Friday, November 1, 2013

The Three Ideologies

This vine is a great display of the ideology that stated a nation is a natural, organic entity that tradition is the only trustworthy guide to social and political action. This vine represents conservatism because when I ask Dan if he can spare any change, he says no because he we doesn't want to change his current traditions. Conservatism influenced the social and political action because the people who are nationalists don't want to change what they go by now and want to stay the same.

The other major political ideologies of the 19th century were Liberalism, and nationalism. Liberalism is the ideology that stated the task of government was to promote individual liberty. Liberalism affected social action because liberals are more open to ideas and changing what they believe and do now. In the vine about liberalism displayed it because it showed a few girls reading then it goes to Kyra singing unlike the rest. This shows change since they aren't doing what each other are doing.  Nationalism is the ideology that stated that a nation was a natural, organic entity whose people were bound together by a shared language, customs, and history. This affected social and political action because nationalist want people or ideas like them (nationalists). In the vine Justin was rejected by Julie and Jane because he didn't share history or customs with them.

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