Sunday, November 17, 2013

Revolutions of 1830 and 1848

The revolutions of 1830 and 1848 were failures as many historians have concluded. No country had a complete success during these revolutions but some countries suffered more harshly than others. For instance  the Hungarian revolution would be considered as a complete failure. In this revolution their goal was to gain independence from Austria and to make a constitution. There was a terrible result for the Hungarians in this revolution, they didn't gain anything and they started in a worse place than they were in before. Many people died and the people that didn't die were exiled. Although gaining a constitution was a complete failure they Hungarians did manage to force Metternich out of power and have him flee to Vienna during the early stages of the uprising.  

Another revolution that blatantly shows as a complete failure is the Decembrist Revolt in Russia. In this revolution the Russian's goal was to obtain a constitution. Many young people in Russia saw what was going on outside of Russia and could compare to how life was in Russia and wanted a change. The result of this revolution was terrible. They did not gain a constitution and the peasants lost some of their rights putting them in a worse place than before the Decembrist revolt. One of the main reasons for failure was the revolt was not well organised and was in a spur of the moment while the government was in a period of instability. 

Another revolution that was not a complete failure but was close is the Polish Revolution. The goal of this revolution was to gain independence from Russia. The outcome was that Poland gained independence and remained independent for a short while but after a Russian victory at Ostroleka. After the Russian victory the Russians occupied Warsaw, leading to the takeover of the Polish government. This revolution should not be considered a considered a complete failure because there was hope and they gained independence even though they lost it a few months later. 

This just goes to show how the revolutions were concluded as failures. The revolutions described above were the ones with the worst outcomes but the other revolutions like the one in Germany and the two in France weren't complete successes either. Since the majority of the outcomes from these revolutions were negative with little positives historians can conclude that the revolutions were failures. 

This map shows territories revolts of 1848

Showme of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848:  (not mine, my groups show me did not work)

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