Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Battles Occurring During the Civil War

To learn about the battles during the Civil War each member of the class was assigned a battle. Once we researched our assigned battle, we created a Google doc and included the battle name, date, leaders, victor, theater, and reasons for victor. Once the Google doc was created, each student generated a QR sign so when someone approaches sign they can quickly scan in and obtain information in Google doc. Before we hung up the sign around the school we had the person whose battle was previous and had them write directions to get to your sign. Once the directions were all set each student hung up their sign around the school creating a scavenger hunt.  After the scavenger hunt was completed and each student had notes on 20 different battles;  we came back to the class room and logged onto Padlet. On the Padlet interface we made posts that were conclusive of the overall winners in certain theaters.

The ultimate victor varied in each theater. In the East theater the ultimate victor was the Confederacy. Out of the battles we studied they won seven out of the twelve battles in the East like the Battle of Fort Sumter, the Battle of Baton Rouge, the Battle of Shiloh, and others. The Confederacy won the majority of the battles in the east theater during the beginning of the war; that changed once Ulysses Grant became the new Union leader. In the West theater the Union was the ultimate winner. In the Naval theater the ultimate winner was once again the Union. The Union did not lose any battles in the Naval theater with he exception of the Battle of Hampton which was undecided.

In the East theater the Confederacy was the ultimate victor because they were mostly on home soil so they could transport supplies and troops more easily. Also in some cases the Union wouldn't surrender or they ran out of supplies which gave the Confederacy the upper hand. For example in the Battle of Fort Sumter the Confederacy beat the Union because the Union didn't have enough ammunition to defeat the Confederacy. In the Naval theater the Union was the ultimate winner, in the battle Battle of Hampton the Union damaged the Confederacy's ironclad which gave the north the upper hand. In the West theater the Union was the ultimate winner. They had more soldiers, resources and more advanced weapons. Ulysses Grant also helped the union with many victories. Overall the Union dominated in the Naval and West theaters while the Confederacy dominated the East Theater.

Picture of me at a QR sign

google doc:


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