Sunday, March 9, 2014

Understanding the Situations of The Confederacy and Union

Below is the infographic created by Emma and I. We decided to do start our infographic by having a map which displays the amount of railroads in the north and in the south. This was put at the top because this map is very important; transportation via railroad helped transport supplies easier. The north had many more miles  of railroad compared to the south which gave them an advantage for transporting supplies and soldiers.  Next on the infographic we made a pie chart which varies depending on which topic is selected. The pie chart helps show the statistics in a good visually appealing way. The pie chart makes it easier for the viewer since they don't have to read as much and can see the amount of change between the north, south, and border states on each topic in the pie chart. Finally at the bottom of the infographic we wrote the strategies used by the Union and Confederacy. We put this at the end because it makes it easiest for the viewer to understand because the viewer has already seen the benefits and negatives of the north and south which would help them understand the strategies that worked and didn't work. This process really helped me understand the situations that the Union and Confederacy faced at the beginning of the war. I had to thoroughly look and decide which information was the most important and what wasn't crucial to include on the infographic. Each section of the infographic needed to be analyzed which helped me understand thoroughly the situations each side faced.

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